Ice House Museum
Sausalito, California

From its inception, Sausalito has attracted an array of creative, passionate and energetic people who are drawn to its unique juncture with land and water.  This innovative new exhibit will capture the kaleidoscope of people who have left their mark on Sausalito’s cultural heritage and stunning setting.

Working in collaboration with the Historical Society, The Sibbett Group has designed a museum that invites interactive exploration of the intersection of Sausalito’s land, water and people. The museum’s open floor plan will also accommodate after-hours cultural events in Sausalito’s historic downtown. 



Brianna Cutts, Project Director
Donald Sibbett, Design Principal
Chika Kurotaki, Exhibit Designer
Stanford Hughes, Architect
Susan Frank, Editor
Dana Whitson, Content Developer
Nora Sawyer, Interpretive Writer
Scientific Art Studio, Exhibit Fabricator
Todd Osborn, Video Producer
Lightswitch, Lighting Designer


Exhibit Design
Graphic Design
Text Writing
Short Film Production
Commissioned Photography
Multimedia Design